Forward Recognition Cover

About this product

The Forward Recognition Cover (#86466-WAA01), an essential electrical piece of the Mirror system in Toyota vehicles, significantly aids in the process of recognizing objects in the forward field of view. This Toyota Autoparts genuine component is primarily responsible for protecting the sophisticated sensors and electronics that power Toyota's advanced forward recognition capabilities. Like any other part, the Forward Recognition Cover (#86466-WAA01) may become worn or damaged over time. If it becomes old, broken or non-functional, the sensors underneath could be exposed to potential damage, impairing the vehicle's forward recognition capabilities. This could potentially compromise the driver's awareness and the vehicle's safety systems. Toyota Genuine Parts like the Forward Recognition Cover (#86466-WAA01) are designed with the specific vehicle model in mind, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal performance. Plus, they’re backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts warranty. This component is crucial to maintaining the efficiency and safety of your Toyota's Mirror system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86466-WAA01

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