Front Window Inner Molding Cover Left Hand

About this product

The Front Window Inner Molding Cover Left Hand (#56165-60010), a vital part in the Cowl Panel & Windshield Glass system of Toyota autos, functions primarily to seal the edges of the windshield and protect it from external elements. It helps sustain the integrity of the windshield which is crucial for clear visibility and overall safety. This part is also vital for preventing leaks and serves as a buffer against vibrations and noise. Genuine Toyota Front Window Inner Molding Cover Left Hand (#56165-60010)s are especially designed for Toyota vehicles, ensuring compatibility and reliable performance. As with most auto parts, the Front Window Inner Molding Cover Left Hand (#56165-60010) needs periodic replacement. An aged or damaged cover can lead to leaks, wind noise, and may even compromise the windshield's stability. With a Toyota genuine part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the risk is significantly reduced. The Front Window Inner Molding Cover Left Hand (#56165-60010) plays an indispensible role in maintaining the efficiency and safety of the Cowl Panel & Windshield Glass system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 56165-60010

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