Gear Shift Lever Cap Cover

About this product

The Gear Shift Lever Cap Cover (#33555-55010), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Shift Lever & Retainer system, plays a vital role in providing protection to the gear shift lever. Genuine Toyota Autoparts like this offer seamless compatibility with your vehicle and enjoy the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As it ages, this cap cover may wear out, become damaged, or even break, potentially exposing the underlying gear shift lever to damage or debris. When this happens, the smooth operation of your gear shift could be compromised, potentially affecting your vehicle's overall performance. Considering these factors, periodic replacement of the Gear Shift Lever Cap Cover (#33555-55010) is highly advisable. By doing so, you not only maintain the efficiency and safety of your vehicle but also secure peace of mind knowing that every drive is backed by a robust and functioning gear shift system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33555-55010

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