Glove Compartment Door Lock Cover

About this product

The Glove Compartment Door Lock Cover (#55569-60030-E1), a key body part in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, plays a crucial role in securing and protecting the lock mechanism of your vehicle's glove compartment. Pertaining to its function, this cover hides and defends the lock from unwanted intrusion, dust, and damage, thus ensuring the safekeeping of items within the glove compartment. Over time, this part can wear out or break due to frequent use or accidental impacts, making your glove compartment susceptible to security breaches. Genuine Toyota parts such as this help achieve optimal vehicle compatibility and are safeguarded by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. The Glove Compartment Door Lock Cover (#55569-60030-E1) is fundamental to your vehicle's security system, preserving the integrity of the glove compartment and, by extension, the safety of your valuables. Choosing to neglect its maintenance could risk exposing your car's interior to potential threats, so it's wise to have it replaced periodically.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55569-60030-E1
Color Name Neutral Beige

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