Headrest Bracket Cover

About this product

The Headrest Bracket Cover (#71952-04020-C0), a component of the Inside Trim Board system, plays a paramount role in the vehicle's interior. This Body part conceals the headrest brackets, enhancing the vehicle's aesthetics while also shielding the brackets from extraneous damage or dirt accumulation. This cover has a direct interaction with the headrest brackets, meaning that over time, wear and tear is inevitable. A worn-out or broken Headrest Bracket Cover (#71952-04020-C0) could expose the brackets to potential damage, leading to headrest instability. Consequently, the driver and passengers' safety could be compromised. Therefore, it necessitates periodic replacement with genuine Toyota Autoparts, which are designed for compatibility with your Toyota model. And remember, all Toyota genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The installation of a high-quality Headrest Bracket Cover (#71952-04020-C0) ultimately contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the Inside Trim Board system, offering occupants a comfortable and safe ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71952-04020-C0
Color Name Black

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