Headrest Bracket Cover

About this product

The Headrest Bracket Cover (#71952-06020-A0), a critical component of the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of your Toyota vehicle. This snugly-fitted cover protects the headrest bracket, a key anchor point for the headrest, from dust, debris, and wear and tear. With time, the cover may become worn out, lose its snug fit, or even break, exposing the bracket to potential damage. This could compromise the structural integrity of the headrest, leading to safety concerns. Choosing a genuine Toyota Headrest Bracket Cover (#71952-06020-A0) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Upkeep and periodic replacement of this seemingly inconspicuous part is crucial in maintaining your car's overall aesthetics, safety, and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71952-06020-A0
Color Name Ivory

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