Heater Cover

About this product

The Heater Cover (#87114-08060), a key component in Toyota's Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, is instrumental in safeguarding the heater core. It plays a cardinal role in directing the flow of heated air throughout the vehicle, ensuring a comfortable environment within the cabin. This Electrical part, like all genuine Toyota parts, is designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, thereby extending its service life and functionality. On top of that, it is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty for your peace of mind. Over time, the Heater Cover (#87114-08060) may become old, clogged, or broken, hampering its operational efficiency. A non-functional Heater Cover (#87114-08060) can lead to uneven heating, increased energy consumption, and potential damage to other related components. Therefore, periodic replacement is crucial. In essence, a well-maintained Heater Cover (#87114-08060) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's heating system by ensuring a smooth and controlled distribution of warm air.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87114-08060

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