Heater Piping Cover

About this product

The Heater Piping Cover (#87237-47030), a key Electrical part in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in protection and heat management. Essentially, it safeguards the heater pipes from physical damage while also regulating the heat within the system. This cover, particularly when genuine, ensures compatibility with your vehicle, and it's backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, any Heater Piping Cover (#87237-47030) can become worn, damaged, or clogged, severely affecting the efficiency of the cooling system and potentially causing costly damage. Replacing this part as necessary is pivotal to maintaining the safety and operational efficiency of your vehicle. In its function, the Heater Piping Cover (#87237-47030) allows your Toyota's heating and cooling system to operate at peak performance, contributing significantly to the overall safety and comfort of your driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87237-47030

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