Instrument Cover Lower Ctr

About this product

The Instrument Cover Lower Ctr (#55479-48010-A0), a vital component in the Console Box & Bracket system, shields sensitive dashboard instruments, such as the speedometer and fuel gauge, from dust and damage. It's in constant interplay with the driver's inputs and vehicular responses, providing a clear display of key data. Over time, this cover can become worn or scratched, impairing visibility and making driving unsafe. Replacing this body part with a genuine Toyota part ensures vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Failure to replace a damaged Instrument Cover Lower Ctr (#55479-48010-A0) could result in difficulty reading instruments, leading to potential safety risks. In summary, this part plays a pivotal role in driver safety and vehicle operation efficiency by protecting and presenting essential data.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55479-48010-A0
Color Name Ivory

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