Antenna Outer Cover Kit

The Antenna Outer Cover Kit (#8607733040B7), a crucial element within the Electrical/Antenna system of a car, serves the primary role of safeguarding and preserving the antenna from external elements and damages. This auto part is responsible for ensuring optimal reception for various devices in the vehicle, like the car radio or GPS. The Antenna Outer Cover Kit (#8607733040B7), more specifically genuine Toyota Autoparts, is essential for vehicle compatibility and is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of this part is necessary as over time, it may become brittle, break, or suffer from wear and tear due to weather conditions. A damaged cover can potentially expose the antenna, leading to poor reception or total loss of signal. In conclusion, the Antenna Outer Cover Kit (#8607733040B7) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the Electrical/Antenna system, promoting topnotch functionality and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86077-33040-B7
Color Number 1J6
Color Name Precious Silver

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