Cover Low

About this product

The Toyota Cover Low (#SU003-02589) is a critical component in the electrical part of the Headlamp system. This part primarily works to protect the lower segment of the headlight assembly from any damaging elements, such as dust, moisture, and small particles. As an authentic Toyota component, the Cover Low (#SU003-02589) ensures optimal compatibility with all Toyota vehicles and comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Cover Low (#SU003-02589) may show signs of wear and tear, which could compromise its protective function. If left unattended, it can lead to moisture seepage, dust accumulation, or light obstruction, all of which can negatively affect the headlight's performance and, consequently, driver safety. In conclusion, by maintaining the condition of the Cover Low (#SU003-02589), the headlamp system can function with high efficiency, providing clear illumination and enhancing overall vehicular safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02589

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