Cover #1 Seat Back

About this product

The Cover #1 Seat Back (#79157-48030-B0), a vital component in Toyota's Rear Seat & Seat Track system, functions primarily as a protective layer for the seat back, safeguarding the seat's internal structures from damage and wear while providing aesthetic appeal. It is involved in maintaining the car interior's comfort, appearance, and durability. Like other auto parts, the Cover #1 Seat Back (#79157-48030-B0) should be periodically replaced. Aging, worn-out, or damaged Cover #1 Seat Back (#79157-48030-B0)s can compromise the seat's comfort, functionality, and eventually the overall interior aesthetic of the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for optimal compatibility and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Cover #1 Seat Back (#79157-48030-B0) plays a significant role in not just the appearance and comfort, but also contributes to the longer lifespan of the vehicle's seating system, indirectly affecting the vehicle's overall value.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 79157-48030-A0
Part Number 79157-48030-B0
Color Name Gray

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