Cover Out Hng Right Hand M4

About this product

The Cover Out Hng Right Hand M4 (#SU003-04362) is a crucial body part in the Front Seat & Seat Track system of a Toyota vehicle. Its primary function is to protect the hinge mechanism that allows movement and adjustment of the front seats. The Cover Out Hng Right Hand M4 (#SU003-04362) operates in close connection with other seat and track components, safeguarding them from debris or possible dislocation that can affect the system's functionality. As this part ages, it may become worn or damaged, reducing its protective capacity and potentially leading to failure of the hinge or seat track system. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended not only for seamless vehicle compatibility but also to avail the benefit of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The effective functioning of the Cover Out Hng Right Hand M4 (#SU003-04362) contributes significantly to the safety of front seat occupants, ensuring that seat adjustments can be made smoothly and securely, enhancing overall driving comfort and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04362

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