Quarter Trim Belt Hole Cover Right Hand

About this product

The Quarter Trim Belt Hole Cover Right Hand (#73297-12040-04), a crucial auto part in Toyota’s Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, primarily acts as a safety mechanism. Its role is to cover the hole through which the seat belt extends, thereby protecting the seat belt assembly from dust and debris that may impair its function. Genuine Toyota parts like this cover are critically important for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Quarter Trim Belt Hole Cover Right Hand (#73297-12040-04) becomes old, broken, or clogged, it may compromise the seat belt assembly's operation, potentially leading to safety concerns. Therefore, periodic replacement is advised to maintain the system's efficiency and safety. In conclusion, this part significantly contributes to the system's safety by protecting the seat belt mechanism, thereby ensuring a secure and safe ride for all occupants.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73297-12040-04

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