Radio Tuner Opening Cover

About this product

The Radio Tuner Opening Cover (#55522-16030), a critical component in Toyota's Body Console Box & Bracket system and Body Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, performs an essential task. This auto part protects the radio tuner from external contaminants and damage, thereby preserving sound quality and function. The cover is designed to perfectly fit with your Toyota vehicle, and being a genuine part, it's backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Radio Tuner Opening Cover (#55522-16030) may wear, break, or become clogged with dust and debris. If this occurs, it can compromise the tuner's protection leading to potential damage and impaired function. Regular replacement of this auto part is advised to maintain optimal system performance. In conclusion, the Radio Tuner Opening Cover (#55522-16030) enhances the durability and efficiency of the systems it's installed in, contributing to the overall longevity and functionality of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55522-16040-E0;55522-16040-C0
Part Number 55522-16030

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