Cover(Rcl) Right Hand

About this product

The Cover(Rcl) Right Hand (#SU003-08748), a crucial electrical part in the Rear Combination Lamp system, adeptly shields and protects the lamp's electric circuitry. Under operation, it ensures the internal components are safeguarded from potential damages, like grime, dust, or moisture. The longevity and functionality of this Toyota auto part significantly influence the system's performance. Genuine parts like the Cover(Rcl) Right Hand (#SU003-08748) are vital for vehicle compatibility and Toyota backs them with a reliable parts warranty. Over time, this part suffers wear and tear, necessitating periodic replacement. An old or broken Cover(Rcl) Right Hand (#SU003-08748) could expose the lamp's electrical system to harmful elements, potentially leading to system failure. By maintaining the health of the rear combination lamp, the Cover(Rcl) Right Hand (#SU003-08748) directly contributes to the vehicle's safety, especially in poor visibility conditions, ensuring you can signal your intentions to other road users effectively.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08748

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