Reclining Hinge Cover Right Hand

About this product

The Reclining Hinge Cover Right Hand (#72551-90A00-16), a crucial Body part in the Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota Vehicles, effectively protects the seat reclining hinge from wear, damage, or obstruction. It plays a primary role in maintaining the functionality and lifespan of the recline mechanism, which contributes significantly to the comfort and adjustability of the vehicle's seats. Over time, exposure to frequent use and material degradation may necessitate the replacement of this cover. If left unchecked, a worn or broken cover could lead to accelerated wear of the hinge mechanism or hinder its proper operation. Regular replacement of this cover with genuine Toyota parts, which are fully compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is therefore recommended. By protecting the reclining hinge, the Reclining Hinge Cover Right Hand (#72551-90A00-16) enhances the longevity and efficiency of the Seat & Seat Track system, thereby improving the overall comfort and safety of your Toyota Vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72551-90A00-16

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