Roof Headlining Service Hole Cover

About this product

The Roof Headlining Service Hole Cover (#63339-52030-B0), a vital Body part in the Roof Headlining & Silencer Pad system, plays a crucial role within the system. This cover assists in maintaining the vehicle's internal acoustics by preventing external sounds from entering the car cabin via the service holes. This part works in tandem with the silencer pad to ensure optimal noise reduction. Like other parts, it requires periodic replacement because an old, damaged, or non-functional cover can lead to noise leakages, disrupting the car's internal ambiance. Always consider using genuine Toyota parts for compatibility with your vehicle. Toyota genuine parts come with a warranty, offering peace of mind. Ultimately, the Roof Headlining Service Hole Cover (#63339-52030-B0) contributes significantly to the overall noise reduction and comfort in your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 63339-0D020-B1
Part Number 63339-52030-B0
Color Name Lt.Gray

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