Room Lamp Cover

About this product

The Room Lamp Cover (#87834-89104), an important electrical component in the Mirror system of your Toyota vehicle, serves a significant function. Its primary role is to protect the room lamp, shielding it from damage while providing a pleasing aesthetic. Genuine Toyota Room Lamp Cover (#87834-89104)s offer unmatched compatibility with your vehicle, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, Room Lamp Cover (#87834-89104)s can become old or broken, affecting not only the look of your vehicle's interior, but also the functionality of the room lamp itself. This can result in inadequate illumination inside the vehicle, potentially impairing visibility of controls or personal items. Thus, periodic replacement is necessary for maintaining optimal lighting conditions. The presence of a functional Room Lamp Cover (#87834-89104) contributes significantly to the overall comfort and safety of your vehicle's interior.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 87834-04010;87834-04010-B0;87834-04010-E0
Part Number 87834-89104

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