Room Partition Cover

About this product

The Room Partition Cover (#64275-0C050-C0), a crucial component in Toyota's Inside Trim Board system, serves a vital role in maintaining the vehicle's interior aesthetics and functionality. This Body part creates a barrier or separation within the vehicle's interior space, providing the occupants with comfort and privacy. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Room Partition Cover (#64275-0C050-C0), are designed to fit seamlessly within the vehicle, aiding compatibility. The need for replacement arises over time due to wear and tear, which could degrade its appearance and compromise its structural integrity. If left unattended, a worn-out Room Partition Cover (#64275-0C050-C0) might negatively impact the vehicle's interior ambiance and functionality. Being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Room Partition Cover (#64275-0C050-C0) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the Inside Trim Board System. It ensures that the system performs optimally, thus enhancing your vehicle's functionality and appearance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64275-0C050-C0
Color Name Black

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