Rear Seat Legrest Cover

About this product

The Rear Seat Legrest Cover (#78656-08150-B0), a key component in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, serves a dual purpose of protecting the legrest from wear and tear and enhancing the comfort of the passengers. It is engineered to withstand regular use and the pressures exerted by the passengers' legs. However, over time, the Rear Seat Legrest Cover (#78656-08150-B0) may wear out, reducing its effectiveness and aesthetic appeal. Hence, it's crucial to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts for optimal compatibility and durability. Remember, genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's extensive parts warranty. A well-maintained Rear Seat Legrest Cover (#78656-08150-B0) contributes to the overall comfort and visual appeal of your vehicle, while its durability aligns with the overall robustness of the system it belongs to.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 78656-08150-B0
Color Name Neutral Warm Gray

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