Seat Leg Garnish Cover

About this product

The Seat Leg Garnish Cover (#79926-08060-B0), a key component in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system within the Body category of Toyota auto parts, plays a vital role in aesthetics and maintenance. This garnish cover primarily conceals the seat leg and track components, keeping them free from dirt and debris while enhancing the overall appearance of the vehicle’s interior. If the garnish cover becomes old or broken, it may fail to protect the underlying components effectively, potentially leading to premature wear or damage. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is essential for ongoing vehicle compatibility and performance. Remember, genuine parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Seat Leg Garnish Cover (#79926-08060-B0) not only improves the interior look of your Toyota vehicle but also contributes significantly to the longevity and functionality of the Rear Seat & Seat Track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 79926-08060-B0
Color Name Neutral Warm Gray

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