Shift Inter Lock Plate Cover

About this product

The Shift Inter Lock Plate Cover (#33269-12010), a pivotal component in the Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft system of Toyota's Drive-Chassis part category, plays a vital role in securing the gear shifting mechanism. This plate cover acts as a protective shield, preventing debris and other contaminants from interfering with the proper operation of the gear shift interlock system. Just as with any other car component, the Shift Inter Lock Plate Cover (#33269-12010) is susceptible to wear and tear over time. If this part becomes worn out or damaged, it could compromise the effectiveness of the gear shifting system, which may lead to potential safety risks. Therefore, it's crucial to replace this part periodically with a genuine Toyota part, which provides optimal vehicle compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This unassuming component is fundamental to the safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle, safeguarding the smooth operation of the manual transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33269-12010

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