Shift Lvr Knob Cover

About this product

The Shift Lvr Knob Cover (#33622-50010-04) is a crucial component of the Drive-Chassis part in the Shift Lever & Retainer system of Toyota vehicles. This specifically designed component serves as a protective sheath for the shift lever knob, safeguarding it against wear and tear during operation. As a genuine Toyota part, it is designed to match perfectly with your vehicle, providing optimal performance. Toyota supports this part with their genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Shift Lvr Knob Cover (#33622-50010-04) may wear out or become damaged, which could hamper the smooth operation of the shift lever. If not replaced, it could lead to difficulty in gear shifting, which can compromise the vehicle's performance. In the broader perspective, the Shift Lvr Knob Cover (#33622-50010-04) contributes to the overall driving comfort and enhances the safety aspect by ensuring seamless gear transitions. By maintaining its periodic replacement, you can uphold the efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33622-50010-04

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