Shoulder Belt Anchor Cover Upper Right Hand

About this product

The Shoulder Belt Anchor Cover Upper Right Hand (#73137-0D021-B0), a key component in the Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system of Toyota, is pivotal to ensuring the safety of passengers. This auto part conceals and protects the mounting point of the shoulder belt, thereby keeping it secure. As part of its function, it interacts directly with the shoulder belt, ensuring the smooth operation of the seatbelt mechanism. Like any other part, it is susceptible to wear and tear over time and may require replacement. An old or broken Shoulder Belt Anchor Cover Upper Right Hand (#73137-0D021-B0) can lead to the exposure of the shoulder belt mounting point to potential damage. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts not only offers perfect compatibility with your vehicle but also comes with the security of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part, in its optimal condition, contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle, ensuring a secure and comfortable ride for the passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73137-0D021-B0
Color Name Lt.Gray

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