Speaker Cover Left Hand

About this product

The Speaker Cover Left Hand (#86226-87001-05), an essential electrical part in the Speaker system of Toyota vehicles, primarily protects the speaker components from debris and damage while providing an aesthetic finish to the interior. Its key role is to shield the fragile parts of the speaker, including the cone and the voice coil, ensuring optimal sound production and longevity of the speaker system. Like any other part, the Speaker Cover Left Hand (#86226-87001-05) may face wear and tear over time, possibly leading to cracks or breaks. A damaged cover can allow dirt and debris to enter, potentially impairing the speaker's function or causing it to fail altogether. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Speaker Cover Left Hand (#86226-87001-05) is advised. Using genuine Toyota Autoparts for replacement ensures seamless compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Speaker Cover Left Hand (#86226-87001-05) not only enhances the durability of the Speaker system but also contributes to the overall aesthetic and comfort of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86226-87001-05

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