Steering Pad Cover Right Hand

About this product

The Steering Pad Cover Right Hand (#84258-48010-B0), an integral part of the Switch, Relay & Computer system, is a critical electrical component in your Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to safeguard the sensitive electronic connections within the steering pad, providing protection against dust, debris, and other harmful elements. Periodic replacement of the Steering Pad Cover Right Hand (#84258-48010-B0) is essential, as wear and tear over time can compromise its ability to shield these connections. If left unchecked, a broken or non-functional cover could expose the system to potential damage or failure. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement ensures compatibility with your vehicle and comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-maintained Steering Pad Cover Right Hand (#84258-48010-B0) contributes significantly to the efficient functioning and safety of your vehicle's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84258-48010-B0
Color Name Dk.Gray

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