Step Plate Cover Left Hand

About this product

The Step Plate Cover Left Hand (#51774-0C020), a critical front floor panel and floor member body part in your Toyota vehicle, plays a significant role in preserving the integrity of the vehicle’s interior. This part facilitates an ergonomic and damage-resistant transition between the vehicle's exterior and interior. The Step Plate Cover Left Hand (#51774-0C020) encounters regular foot traffic, implying they may wear down over time. In such a scenario, a worn or broken Step Plate Cover Left Hand (#51774-0C020) can lead to interior damage and potential safety hazards. Toyota highly recommends the use of genuine Step Plate Cover Left Hand (#51774-0C020)s for optimal compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Neglecting to replace this part may invite unwanted debris and water into your vehicle, leading to potential rusting and degradation of the interior. A well-maintained Step Plate Cover Left Hand (#51774-0C020) adds to the longevity, aesthetics, and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51774-0C020

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