Stereo Opening Cover

About this product

The Stereo Opening Cover (#55521-32020), a key component in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system of Toyota vehicles, has a primary role of protecting the stereo unit from dust and potential damage. It functions as a protective barrier, especially when the stereo system is not in use. Comprised of durable material, this part is designed to fit seamlessly into the dash, maintaining the aesthetic integrity of your vehicle. However, as with all vehicle components, periodic replacement is necessary to avoid degradation, which could lead to a loss of functionality or damage to the stereo system. By using a genuine Stereo Opening Cover (#55521-32020), vehicle compatibility is maximised, and the provision of Toyota's genuine parts warranty offers further security. Well-maintained and functional Stereo Opening Cover (#55521-32020)s contribute significantly to the overall efficiency of the car's interior system, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55521-30130;55521-30140;55521-30150;55521-32010;55521-32011;55521-33010
Part Number 55521-32020

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