Stop Lamp Switch Cover

About this product

The Stop Lamp Switch Cover (#84342-08010), a key component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, primarily protects the stop lamp switch, which illuminates the brake lights when a driver applies the brakes. When functioning optimally, it ensures the stop lamp switch is shielded from damage and dirt, maintaining the switch's longevity and dependability. However, over time, this cover may wear down, become clogged or get damaged, which could expose the stop lamp switch to potential harm. In such instances, replacing it with a genuine Toyota part is advisable. Genuine parts offer seamless vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Stop Lamp Switch Cover (#84342-08010) contributes significantly to the safety of the vehicle, as it helps maintain the functionality of the brake lights, thereby signaling to other drivers when the vehicle is slowing down or stopping. This part's role in preventing accidents cannot be overstated.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84342-08010

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