Control Shaft Cover Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Control Shaft Cover Sub-Assembly (#33506-17101), a critical component in the Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft (Mtm) system, plays a central role in managing your vehicle's drive-chassis operations. This part essentially protects the interior components of the drive shaft from contaminants and damage, ensuring smooth and efficient shifting of gears. Regular replacement of this part is vital. If neglected, a worn, clogged, or broken Control Shaft Cover Sub-Assembly (#33506-17101) can expose the drive shaft to harmful elements or damage, compromising the vehicle's performance and safety. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacements aids in maintaining vehicle compatibility and is highly recommended. These parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind and assurance of quality. In summary, the Control Shaft Cover Sub-Assembly (#33506-17101) enhances the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's gear shifting system by protecting the drive shaft from potential damage.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33506-17101

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