Engine Under Cover Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Engine Under Cover Sub-Assembly (#51405-60210), a vital part of Toyota's Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system, provides protection to the car's engine from road debris. The cover essentially forms a solid barrier between the underneath of the vehicle and the road, shielding the engine and other components from potential damage. With time, this part may wear out or become damaged and will need replacement to maintain the vehicle's safety and performance. The use of genuine Toyota parts aids in maintaining compatibility with the vehicle's design specifications. Genuine parts are also supported by Toyota's parts warranty. If the under cover becomes old or non-functional, it could expose the engine to harmful external elements and potentially compromise the vehicle's driving dynamics. Overall, a well-maintained Engine Under Cover Sub-Assembly (#51405-60210) contributes to the efficiency and safety of the vehicle by providing essential protection to the engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51405-60210

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