Front Pillar Cover Sub-Assembly Upper Left Hand

About this product

The Front Pillar Cover Sub-Assembly Upper Left Hand (#60118-60010), a critical component within the moulding system of a Toyota vehicle, primarily serves to protect and hide the structural pillars. Genuine Toyota parts like these are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, and are validated by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This cover contributes to the aesthetic appeal, aerodynamics, and overall safety of the vehicle by preventing direct exposure of the pillar to external factors. Over time, the Front Pillar Cover Sub-Assembly Upper Left Hand (#60118-60010) could become worn or damaged, which may lead to compromised structural integrity and safety of the vehicle. Hence, it is necessary to replace it periodically. A well-maintained Front Pillar Cover Sub-Assembly Upper Left Hand (#60118-60010) enhances the vehicle's appearance and safety, ultimately adding to the value and longevity of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 60118-60010

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