Front Seat Back Cover Sub-Assembly

The Front Seat Back Cover Sub-Assembly (#710730R690A2), an integral part of the Body/Seat & Seat Track system, plays a significant role in providing comfort and support in a Toyota vehicle. As the name suggests, this part forms the back cover of the seat, safeguarding the internal components, while also giving shape and firmness to the seat back for maximum occupant comfort. This assembly is subject to wear and tear over time, and a damaged or old Front Seat Back Cover Sub-Assembly (#710730R690A2) can lead to discomfort or even expose sharp internal components, posing a risk to passengers. A genuine Toyota Front Seat Back Cover Sub-Assembly (#710730R690A2) is recommended for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The replacement of this part not only enhances the overall comfort and safety but also prolongs the life of the associated systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71073-0R690-A2
Color Name Gallant Beige

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