Front Seat Cushion Cover Sub-Assembly Right Hand

The Front Seat Cushion Cover Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#710720R550B2), an integral part of Toyota's Body/Seat & Seat Track system, provides protection and comfort to the driver and passengers. It covers the seat cushion, the primary contact point for occupants. This part, when in operation, contributes significantly to the ride comfort. The seat cover is subject to wear and tear due to continuous usage, and over time, it might degrade, tear, or lose its shape. Consequently, the comfort level may decrease, causing discomfort during rides and potentially distracting drivers. Genuine Toyota parts like these ensure perfect fit and compatibility with your vehicle. Additionally, they're backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-maintained Front Seat Cushion Cover Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#710720R550B2) enhances the overall efficiency of the seating system, contributing to a comfortable and safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71072-0R550-B2
Color Name Neutral Warm Gray

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