Parking Brake Hole Cover Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Parking Brake Hole Cover Sub-Assembly (#58809-60110-A0), a body part in the Console Box & Bracket system, plays an important role in protecting the parking brake mechanism from dust, debris, and damage. This auto part is also crucial for maintaining the sleek aesthetic appeal of the vehicle's interior. As it ages, the cover may become worn or damaged, which could affect the integrity of the parking brake system. Genuine Toyota parts are known for their compatibility with the vehicle, and the Parking Brake Hole Cover Sub-Assembly (#58809-60110-A0) is no different. Further, Toyota backs its genuine parts with a robust warranty. If the Parking Brake Hole Cover Sub-Assembly (#58809-60110-A0) is not replaced when needed, the exposed parking brake could be susceptible to damage, affecting safety and performance. In conclusion, the Parking Brake Hole Cover Sub-Assembly (#58809-60110-A0) contributes to the vehicle's safety and aesthetic appeal by protecting the parking brake mechanism from potential damage.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58809-60110-A0
Color Name Flaxen

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