Rear Seat Back Cover Sub-Assembly

The Rear Seat Back Cover Sub-Assembly (#7107812T90C8) is an essential component of Toyota's Body/Rear Seat & Seat Track system. Its primary role is to provide a protective covering for the seat back, maintaining aesthetics and comfort while also shielding internal mechanisms from dust, moisture, or damage. The part is also responsible for the seat's tilt function, working in conjunction with other components such as the recliner and the seat back frame. With time and use, the cover may wear out, become stained, or tear, affecting the vehicle's overall aesthetic appeal and passenger comfort. Genuine Toyota parts are ideal as they provide perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacement of this part contributes significantly to maintaining the vehicle's interior appearance, function, and comfort levels.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71078-12T90-C8
Color Name Black/Gray

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