Shift Lever Hole Cover Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Shift Lever Hole Cover Sub-Assembly (#58808-35300-B0), a crucial part within the Console Box & Bracket system, plays a significant role in optimizing your vehicle's operation. As part of the body, this genuine Toyota part contributes to compatibility with your vehicle, and is backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. This Auto part shields the shift lever opening, preventing dust, debris, or moisture from reaching the shift lever mechanism, thus safeguarding smooth and efficient gear transitions. If the Shift Lever Hole Cover Sub-Assembly (#58808-35300-B0) becomes old, broken, or non-functional, undesirable elements could infiltrate, disrupting gear shifts and possibly causing mechanical damages. By regularly replacing this part, the Console Box & Bracket system maintains its efficiency, enhancing safety and smooth operation in your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58808-35300-B0
Color Name Dk.Gray

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