Traction Battery Wire Cover #3

About this product

The Traction Battery Wire Cover #3 (#G96E8-42010), a crucial electrical part of Toyota's Battery & Battery Cable system, serves a vital protective function. It shields the battery cables from damage and exposure, maintaining the wiring integrity and preventing electrical failures. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Wire Cover, provide excellent vehicle compatibility and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, however, the Wire Cover can deteriorate or break. An old or non-functional cover can expose the battery cables to potential damage, compromising the power supply to the electric drivetrain and possibly affecting vehicle performance. By efficiently protecting the battery cables, a properly functioning Traction Battery Wire Cover #3 (#G96E8-42010) contributes greatly to the overall safety and performance of the vehicle. Hence, periodic replacement is a must to maintain optimal vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G96E8-42010

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