Transfer Power Take-Off Cover

About this product

The Transfer Power Take-Off Cover (#36124-60020), a crucial Drive-Chassis component within the Transfer Case & Extension Housing system, plays a primary role in safeguarding the Power Take-Off unit. This unit transfers the vehicle's engine power to auxiliary components such as a hydraulic pump. The cover shields the unit from external elements like dust, debris, and harsh weather conditions, preventing damage and ensuring smooth operation. Over time, this cover may wear out or get damaged, limiting its ability to protect the Power Take-Off unit. A malfunctioning cover can allow harmful elements into the unit, causing it to fail and affect the vehicle's overall performance. Only genuine Toyota parts, like this cover, offer perfect compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the Transfer Power Take-Off Cover (#36124-60020) periodically significantly enhances the efficiency and safety of the vehicle's power transfer system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36124-60020

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