Vertical Adjuster Bracket Cover Outer

About this product

The Vertical Adjuster Bracket Cover Outer (#72497-60010), an integral component in Toyota's Body Front Seat & Seat Track and Body Seat & Seat Track systems, plays a critical role in maintaining the proper position and alignment of the seat. To achieve optimum compatibility with your vehicle, it's recommended to use genuine parts, which are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part, when in operation, allows smooth vertical adjustments of the seat, ensuring comfort and safety. However, over time, wear and tear could cause this part to fail or malfunction. If the bracket cover becomes broken or non-functional, the seat might not adjust properly, potentially compromising comfort and safety. By maintaining the function and integrity of the seat track system, the Vertical Adjuster Bracket Cover Outer (#72497-60010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle. Getting it replaced periodically is essential for maintaining a comfortable and safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72497-60010

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