Selecting Bell Crank Assembly

About this product

The Selecting Bell Crank Assembly (#33590-12070), a pivotal Drive-Chassis part within the Shift Lever & Retainer system, plays a significant role in the seamless shifting of gears in a vehicle. Its functionality primarily hinges on the conversion of rotary motion into the linear motion required for the smooth transition of gears. Aging or damaged Selecting Bell Crank Assemblies can lead to stiffer gear changes, impacting the overall driving experience. Therefore, regular replacement is essential. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended to ensure compatibility and performance, and Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs each part. The Selecting Bell Crank Assembly (#33590-12070)'s efficient operation is paramount to the safety and smooth running of the vehicle, orchestrating precise gear changes to maintain optimal vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33590-12070

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