Front Wiper Crank Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Front Wiper Crank Sub-Assembly (#85012-58020), an integral part of the Windshield Wiper system, is tasked with converting the rotational movement from the wiper motor into the back-and-forth motion of the wiper blades. This electrical part functions in harmony with the wiper linkage and wiper motor to efficiently wipe away rain or debris from the windshield. As the Front Wiper Crank Sub-Assembly (#85012-58020) constantly undergoes mechanical stress, a periodic replacement is vital. Over time, it can become worn out, leading to reduced wiper performance or complete wiper failure, which can severely compromise visibility during inclement weather conditions. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Front Wiper Crank Sub-Assembly (#85012-58020) not only ensures seamless compatibility with your vehicle but also comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Front Wiper Crank Sub-Assembly (#85012-58020) is critical to the safety and efficiency of your vehicle's Windshield Wiper system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85012-58020

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