Frame Crossmember #5

About this product

The Frame Crossmember #5 (#51251-60130), a crucial body part within the Frame system of an automobile, serves a primary role in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle. As the vehicle maneuvers over various terrains, the Frame Crossmember #5 (#51251-60130) absorbs the load and disperses it evenly, offering the vehicle a stable structure. However, it is essential to replace this part periodically because, over time, it can weaken or corrode, possibly resulting in a compromised vehicle frame. Opting for genuine Toyota parts ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A faulty or old Frame Crossmember #5 (#51251-60130) can lead to an unstable and unsafe driving experience. In contrast, a robust and functional Frame Crossmember #5 (#51251-60130) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of the vehicle, providing a smoother and safer drive.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51251-60130

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