Frame Crossmember Sub-Assembly #5

About this product

The Frame Crossmember Sub-Assembly #5 (#51205-34020) is a vital component in the Frame system of your Toyota vehicle. This auto part plays a significant role in maintaining the structural integrity and alignment of the vehicle chassis. When in operation, it functions by providing rigidity and support to the frame, ensuring optimal vehicle stability and handling. With time, the sub-assembly can wear out or get damaged, impacting the vehicle's handling and safety. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended for seamless compatibility with your vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts are also backed by Toyota's parts warranty, offering you an added level of assurance. In conclusion, a well-maintained Frame Crossmember Sub-Assembly #5 (#51205-34020) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle by maintaining structural alignment and stability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51205-34020

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