Cup Holder Assembly

About this product

The Cup Holder Assembly (#SU003-03208) is a vital body part within the Console Box & Bracket system of a Toyota vehicle. Its core function is to securely hold beverages during a car journey, preventing spillage that could potentially cause harm to the vehicle's interior. Highly compatible with the vehicle, genuine Toyota parts like the Cup Holder Assembly (#SU003-03208) contribute to the overall harmony of the system. If this part becomes aged or broken, beverages may not be held securely, leading to spills that can damage the vehicle's interior or distract the driver, potentially affecting safety. This emphasizes the importance of periodic replacement. Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports the integrity of these parts. The Cup Holder Assembly (#SU003-03208), therefore, plays a significant role in maintaining the cleanliness of the vehicle's interior, contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03208

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