
About this product

The Toyota Cushion (#90541-09124) is a fundamental auto part in various systems such as the Body Back Door Panel & Glass system and the Body Front Door Panel & Glass system. This part plays a crucial role in absorbing shocks, reducing vibrations, and protecting associated components from potential damage. With consistent use, it's subject to wear and tear, and if it breaks or becomes non-functional, it might lead to a louder, less comfortable ride and potentially create stress on connected parts. Genuine Toyota Cushion (#90541-09124)s offer compatibility with vehicle specifications, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement is necessary for maintaining the smooth operation and safety of your vehicle's door and luggage systems. The Cushion (#90541-09124) plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota, contributing to a smoother and quieter ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90541-09138
Part Number 90541-09124

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