Cushion Assembly Ocpantrh

About this product

The Cushion Assembly Ocpantrh (#SU003-09775) is a crucial auto part in the Front Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota vehicles. This Body part primarily serves to provide comfort and support to passengers, absorbing shocks and vibrations while the vehicle is in motion. The effectiveness of this component directly impacts the comfort of the journey, and its deteriorated state can significantly compromise ride quality. Old or broken Cushion Assemblies can lead to discomfort and potential postural issues for the passengers. Therefore, it is highly recommended to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts. These parts are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Cushion Assembly Ocpantrh (#SU003-09775) contributes to the overall ride comfort and safety, enhancing the driving experience while also preventing potential health issues for passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09775

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