Cleaner Hose Cushion

About this product

The Cleaner Hose Cushion (#867FC-62080), a crucial electrical part in the Rear Washer system, plays a primary role in ensuring the smooth flow of cleaning fluid during operation. When the system is activated, this cushion acts as a buffer, absorbing the pressure from fluid movement, and subsequently preventing any leaks or bursts from the hose. It's crucial to replace this part periodically as it can become worn, or worst-case scenario, broken, causing the Rear Washer system to malfunction, reducing its efficiency and potentially leading to water damage in the rear of the vehicle. Opting for genuine Toyota Autoparts for replacement ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, the Cleaner Hose Cushion (#867FC-62080) contributes significantly to the reliability and safety of the Rear Washer system, making it an essential component in maintaining your vehicle's performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 867FC-62080

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