Exhaust Pipe Cushion

About this product

The Exhaust Pipe Cushion (#90917-08009), a key component in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a vital role in the Exhaust Pipe system of your Toyota vehicle. This part ensures the correct positioning of the exhaust pipe, maintaining stability and reducing vibration while the vehicle is in operation. It predominantly functions by absorbing the shock and vibrations from the engine, thus limiting wear and tear on the exhaust system. Old or non-functional Exhaust Pipe Cushion (#90917-08009)s can lead to increased vibration, misalignment, and potential damage to the exhaust system. It is important to periodically replace this part to maintain optimal operation. Using genuine parts like the Toyota Exhaust Pipe Cushion (#90917-08009) ensures vehicle compatibility and backs you with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of your vehicle by protecting the exhaust system, thereby enhancing the safety and performance of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90917-08009

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